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9/4/06 – Today is yet another sad day at Sawbill. Three more crew members are leaving us. Alison Behm (Kathy) is moving to St. Paul to begin her first semester at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. Missy Peschman is also moving to the Cities to attend Northwestern Medical Institute and our very own Pat Nash is taking off for a two week vacation in Alaska. We will miss you all and wish you the best of luck in your adventures.
Today also marked the end of Labor Day weekend which in turn marks the end of our peak season here at Sawbill. Our bluegrass friends and their families left this morning so tonight we will be without music. Unless I get out the guitar and start singing away, but no one wants that! -Corey
Kathy and Missy all smiles on the summit of Carlton Peak.
Missy gets two photos on the website today with this one of her and Nash just before they left Sawbill.