7/12/07 – I saw the first ripe blueberry of the season today. Most are still a soft green, just testing our patience, but a few have gotten enough sun to sweeten up. In fact, colorful little berries have replaced the flowers of many plants now, much to the delight of humans and animals alike. Look back at my entry from 5/25 to see how far they’ve come. So far I’ve tasted a blueberry and a strawberry, and although they are only half the size of the grocery store mutants most people know their flavor is infinitely superior. – Caitlin
The nasty Black Flies we put up with in May are important pollinators for the blueberry plant. Gotta put up with the bad to enjoy the good!
The Wood Strawberry is the parent of 90% of all cultivated strawberries.
The Dewberry or Dwarf Raspberry looks like a small raspberry plant as its name suggests; however, the berries look better than they taste.
The Bunchberry is a favorite of grouse, chipmunks and Rock Voles. People find the mealy fruit with large stones less appealing.