8/1/11- Yesterday afternoon the whole crew gathered together in the store to take our Summer 2011 Crew picture. We are all sporting our “do it firmly” crew shirts, which refers to the scene in the permit video addressing bear confrontations. Carl is holding onto the crank Vortex blender that we sell in the store, and former crew member Marc Le Voir is standing in for Tess, otherwise known as “Ted,” who will be arriving next week and will be working here for the remainder of the season.
Summer Crew 2011
Shortly after the picture was taken, we all changed out of our crew shirts and into something nice for the Dome Dance, which is held at about this time every year and is located in the dome building on the side of the canoe yard. The dance consisted of an interesting form of folk dancing which was made possible by expert dance caller Terrance Smith and a great band. There was a good turn out and several people staying in the campground joined in on the fun. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a decent/non-blurry picture from the dance, so if you’re curious you’ll just have to stop on by next year!