7/18/20 – This season we’ve seen an uptick in first-time visitors to the BWCA Wilderness. One of my most favorite parts about running Sawbill is helping people discover the BWCA and have successful experiences. Sometimes that’s an overnight adventure, and sometimes it’s just dipping their toes in the water here at our canoe landing. There are many definitions of a “good” BWCA trip, everyone has different vacation priorities and no route is one size fits all.
Recently, we fully outfitted Jaye White and Martha Finley. Jaye had some limited BWCA experience but it was a first for Martha. These capable women live in Cook County and work for Cascade Vacation Rentals, so we were especially excited to help them enjoy their own backyard. They recorded their experience and gave a great trip report on their podcast.
We also recently heard from Mark Tade, a long time Boundary Waters traveler and photographer, who took his wife Nancy Purington, an artist who paints skies and waterscapes, on a day trip into the Boundary Waters. Mark reports that although Nancy is not a fan of all things camping, he’s pretty sure she actually enjoyed it! They lunched on a lovely campsite while their son and grandchildren “threw lures into trees”.

Thank you to Mark for passing along this photo, you can see more of his work here and Nancy’s work, here.