9/5/20 – It is officially Labor Day Weekend, which traditionally marks the “end” of our summer season. For those who have been fortunate enough to visit this year, you may have noticed that Sawbill has been exceptionally busy. This holds true going in to the holiday weekend. The Sawbill Lake Campground is full, and all of our Kevlar canoes touched the water today. Permits in the area are also mostly booked and many of our canoes are headed for other Entry Points.

While the activity level has remained the same at Sawbill, these past few days have seen the arrival of both fall weather and some spots of fall color. Sunny days remain mild, but recent windy conditions and chilly nights make jackets and hats a must! The upcoming nights have the potential to dip down to the mid 30s, so make sure to bring a warm sleeping bag if you are camping!

Finally, with the holiday weekend in full swing, we see the return of many former crew members trying to sneak in a final BWCA trip or campground stay before the end of the season. Welcome back all! Among the visiting crew members are this year’s summer campground hosts Kyle and Lyda. We are glad you are able to enjoy a vacation at Sawbill this time around.
