Happy memorial day, one and all! The holiday weekend has historically marked the beginning of the Summer season here in the North Woods, and this year is no exception – the canoes are out on the lake, the ice machine is churning, and the aroma of pan-fried walleye is wafting through the campground. Much remains the same around here, though it’s fun to note the new happenings as well. One exciting new development has been a friendly beaver frequenting the south end of Sawbill lake. If you look hard enough, you can notice beaver sign in a variety of places, such as the chewed-up log pictured below. The Sawbill crew has noticed our beaver buddy swimming around the lake a few times over the past week, including a close encounter where crew and beaver startled each other during an evening paddle! Keep an eye out if you’re paddling Sawbill in the near future, you just never know what you critters you may see! – Owen S.