1/3/23 – This past weekend a few of us gathered to ring in the new year on Sawbill Lake, as is tradition. Too much fun ensued. -Jessica
Dan rode the snowmobile down this trail earlier in the day and came across a big bull moose. Lets just say we were not quite while trimming back the snow-laden alder that blocked some of the trail, so we did not see said moose, but did come across it’s tracks.
The New Years Crew ringing in 2023 on the lake. Cast of characters includes (left to right); me, Paul (back), Mongo (front), Kevin, and Dan.
New Years Day we headed out for a ski on the lake. First things first, gotta fill out that permit.
Conditions were so good Paul couldn’t help but showoff his ski ballet moves. We ran into a little slush, but nothing too bad. The lake was windswept after that crazy storm just over a week ago so the snow was minimal making skiing pretty darn easy compared to the usual mid winter trudge through snow and slush.
Lastly, we finished out the weekend with a campfire. Good stuff.