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Berry Recon

7/13/24 – About a week ago I used up the last dregs of my frozen blueberries in a bowl of frosted mini wheats (trust me they really level up cereal).  As a result, a berry reconnaissance mission was in order.  With an hour to work with I checked out a couple local berry patches and found many green blueberries, with a small percentage ripe enough to pick.  Really the star of the show were the wild strawberries which seem to be perfectly ripe at this very moment.  -Jessica

What I picked in the short time I had to work with.
Example of the average blueberry plant I came across.  A little more time is needed to ripen these bad boys up.
When trying to track down a berry patch, look for open areas with signs of recent burn, such as this.  Blueberries like lots of sun and acidic, rocky soil.