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Eyes on the Sky

8/21/24 – This August has been quite the treat when it comes to night sky gazing.  The lack of light from the new moon early in the month showcased our perspective of the spiral galaxy we know as the milky way (of which we are an itty bitty part of).  With our lack of light pollution the number of stars visible almost makes it tricky to pick out the constellations.  Let’s be real though, I don’t know my constellations very well, so that is probably part of it.

Then, on August 11th, just a day before the Perseid meteor shower was about to peak, we were treated to one of the brightest northern lights displays I’ve seen.  The glow was so bright that walking outside around midnight without a flashlight was no problem at all.  Pretty unique experience with the moon safely tucked below the horizon.

If that wasn’t enough, we’ve had perfect weather to watch the moon reach its “super blue moon” status Monday night.   Even the wolves seem to be extra jazzed about the special moon as they’ve been heard howling nearby multiple times this past week.  Pretty darn fun!  -Jessica

Northern lights timelapse courtesy of Feliks Vahtra.