Wenonah Prism Ultralight Kevlar Canoe #102


2022 Wenonah Prism Ultralight Kevlar #102

*We do not ship canoes. Canoes can be purchased and stored at Sawbill until your next visit. Your satisfaction is guaranteed – if you don’t like the canoe when you see it, you get your money back with no questions. Indicate in purchase notes the date you plan to pickup.

1 in stock



Length 16.5′; center depth 12.5″; stern depth 17″; bow depth 19″; Max width 30 3/4″; gunwale width 26″; waterline width 29 3/4″; weight 32 lbs; construction is Kevlar/foam core ultra-light with web seat and aluminum trim. Comfortable, adjustable custom-made yoke pads on installed yoke.

The Prism is an all-purpose solo with excellent performance, very good capacity, and enough stability that almost anyone can handle it well. It has a fresh coat of vinyl ester resin on the bottom and refurbished Kevlar skid plates.  This canoe is still in great shape and has many years of canoe tripping enjoyment left.