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6/30/05 – Many loyal Sawbill customers remember our old rental dome with a great deal of fondness. Sure, it was sometimes referred to by customers as the “rental shack,” “outfitting shanty,” “gear kiosk,” “equipment hole,” “quonset hut,” and other less-than-flattering monikers. But many still consider quixotic dome an important Sawbill icon.
Some of the more nostalgic members of the Sawbill family have lately been wondering and asking about the fate of the ol’ Sawbill dome. So here you go:

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The dome–still standing, and only a little worse for wear. The old equipment area of the dome is now the Power Dome, a center for weightlifting, aerobics, yoga and wellness.

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Remember the video viewing area? It’s now been converted to the Sawbill band practice area and recording studio. Don’t forget the laundry room; it’s now a brewery. As you can see, the quonset hut of old is as multidimensional as ever.