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With many of the nearby entry points reopened

5/23/07 – With many of the nearby entry points reopened, including Sawbill
Lake, things are getting busier around here. Fortunately, our crew ranks have been fortified by the recent arrivals of Clare Hansen, Katie Nulicek and Davey Bodeau! – Caitlin
Claire H is back 5.23.07.jpg
A long-time crew expert, Clare has returned to Sawbill after completing her sophomore year at the University of Montana.
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During her first week as a new Sawbill crewmember Katie honed her canoe washing skills. Katie will be a senior art major next year at Northern Illinois University.
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Davey spent his first day back drying out the fire prevention hoses up on the roof. Davey returns to the Sawbill crew this summer after his freshmen year at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls.