9/21/09 – Witness the birth of a new era. Of outhouses. And potty humor. The Forest Service decided to upgrade the rest of the outhouses in the campground after installing a super-duty concrete, handicap accessible two-holer near site four last fall. One near the picnic area went in this afternoon, amid a clamor of engines growling and laborers standing around waiting their turn. The rest are set for installation tomorrow. The new fixtures appear bomb-proof and are designed to weather 200 seasons. The Caesars would be proud. But, wouldn’t you know it, the days of our beloved 40-year-old wooden toilet sheds, with the spring-loaded doors that slap shut and just enough elbow room for a penguin, have come to and end. – Lee
Recognize this spot? Neither do I. It’s where the outhouses on the way to the landing used to be. The guys are digging the hole for the outhouse vaults.
These concrete boxes are the vaults for, well, the deposits that Sawbill campers will soon be making.
This is the rig it took to drop the load in place.
That’s teamwork. Hope nobody’s in there.
Worker installs exhaust pipes. Thank goodness.
The old outhouses uninstalled, taking a victory lap around the parking lot, ready to ride off into the sunset. Adios amigos.