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All week I’ve been saying “It’s just a matter of time.”

4/1/11 – All week I’ve been saying “It’s just a matter of time.” I’ve been talking about the glaciers and skating rinks that are scattered all around the region and especially the three of four that are located here at Sawbill. It’s been a great winter for plenty of cold and snow, but now that the freeze/thaw cycle has started, the paths and driveways have become treacherous, leading to the prediction above. Well, this morning it happened. I was walking over to our generator for the daily inspection and was actually thinking that the path had a little more dirt showing than the day before and was slightly less dangerous. In the next instant, my body was horizontal and my thinking changed to, “This is going to hurt.” I crashed down with no grace on rough ice, and of course, onto the ubiquitous dog poop. Roy, the Deputy of Outfitter Security (and the probable source of the poop), actually looked amused and took the opportunity for some quick face licking. Other than a few physical and psychic bruises, I am unhurt. The whole incident raises the philosophical question: “If an outfitter falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, is it still considered swearing?” – Bill