2/11/13 – We had a nice, old fashioned snowstorm last night. Nine inches of snow fell in about 4 hours, giving us a total of 28″ of snow on the ground. All winter, the trees have been covered with snow, so it remains one of the most scenic winters that I can remember.
Dave and Amy Freeman, former Sawbill crew (and they will be guiding for us this season!) are close to finishing their epic 11,700 mile North American Odyssey by kayak, dog sled and canoe. They are currently doing a 40-mile portage in Florida between the St. Marys and Suwannee Rivers. – Bill
What a 40 mile kayak portage in Florida looks like.
After more than 10,000 miles of paddling, Amy’s feet aren’t hardened for all day hiking.
Here is the most recent edition of the Cook County West End News from WTIP, North Shore Community Radio.