4/22/13 – OK, this is starting to get ridiculous. We got another 3″ of snow last night and another 3 – 5″ is predicted for tonight. Snow is forecast for a few more days and then, finally, some warm temperatures are on the way. The North Shore streams are going to be in epic flood mode in a couple of weeks.
Sawbill crew members Luke Opel, Tyler Campbell and Leif Gilsvik shovel snow off the shuttle vans in anticipation of another spring snow storm tonight.
Starting today, we will post a daily measurement of the snow and ice on Sawbill Lake. Today we measured 18″ of snow on the lake with 31.5″ of ice. This is a few inches more than our measurement a few days ago. That doesn’t mean that the ice is getting thicker. It just indicates that underside of the ice sheet is uneven. – Bill