1/4/19 – Since our last post we received a delivery of 23 brand new Wenonah canoes, welcomed a solid foot of snow in one dumping, and rang in the new year with some of our favorite people on one of our favorite lakes.

The delivery driver and I contemplate how the heck we’re going to lower the Spirit IIs from the top of the trailer.
In accordance with New Years tradition, we headed down to the lake to ring in 2019. Just before midnight, temperatures dropped to a relatively balmy (compared to years past) -15 degrees, accompanied by a -30 degree wind chill.

From left to right. Front row; Brian and Jessica. Back row; Dan, Owen, Katie, Kevin, Hannah, Nick, Luke. Not pictured; Claire, Clare, Kit, and Sig (all fast asleep).
In other exciting news, while visiting over the holiday weekend, Hannah Kennedy (crew member) and Nick Hansberry became engaged! Welcome to the family Nick! -Jessica