2/3/19 – Over the years, many of you have enjoyed following along with our weather records on this site. In the busy life with two small kids and learning the ropes of the business, I’ve been lax in posting the weather. I’m sorry! Rest assured, I’ve been faithfully tracking and recording all the information – just like Bill, and Frank before him. The notebook of records has been sitting in the windowsill taunting me for too long. So, I’m rededicating myself to keeping the records on this site up to date. I’ve backposted all the records and will be updating them daily from here on. Thank you for your patience!
In other news, we continue to enjoy a cold and snowy winter up here at the end of the Sawbill Trail. The frequent low temps and snows have created a beautiful landscape. The cold temps have kept our adventures short and close to home, but when the Wilderness is your backyard, that’s ok!

Cheers to the real winter!