9/23/19 – Happy equinox folks! While you wouldn’t know it by the warm weather we’ve had this week, fall is in full swing here in the north woods. Driving up the Sawbill trail from Lake Superior, the colors are nothing short of magnificent. Along the Sawtooth mountain range maple trees are exploding in shades of crimson and orange, and here on the edge of the BWCA we’re getting a show as well. While the birch leaves are turning a vibrant yellow, the white pines are dropping their excess needles, making a trip through the campground feel like walking through Oz on the yellow brick road.

The leaves aren’t the only change in color we’re noticing around here – small game season opened in Minnesota on September 14th, and we’re beginning to see hunters clothed in bright orange stopping by the Sawbill store. While some members of our fall crew prefer to stick to fishing during the fall months, others couldn’t wait to get their hands on a hunting license. Jessica, a long standing crew member, was one of the first to bag a grouse, much to the interest of Kit and the rest of the crew. Here’s hoping Jessica will make some of her famous grouse soup before the season winds down! -Owen