6/29/20 – August has arrived in June, it seems. The summer days are filled with a bustling campground, happy canoers, and sunny days with temps in the 80’s. With open schedules and limited travel options, we are seeing an influx of visitors in the early summer this year. Permits are more booked up than usual, and many are venturing out for their first-ever BWCA Wilderness trips. We are enjoying meeting all these new faces (even through windows and masks) and are honored to help them have successful first experiences in our favorite wilderness area.

Whether you are a seasoned canoe-tripper or a first time paddler, you should plan to travel during your BWCA trip. There has been a significant increase in visitors choosing to stay within one or two portages of the entry point lakes and simply base camp there for the duration of their trip. This is putting a big strain on the campsites on or near entry point lakes, and makes it difficult to find a spot during this busy time. However, if you travel four or five portages into the Wilderness you will often find you have the place practically to yourself. Personally, I’m a big proponent of travelling most days during canoe trips.

The rituals of taking down and setting up camp, eating lunch on the end of a long portage, and scouting new campsites are some of my favorite parts of days spent in canoe country. There is a certain satisfaction in the act of carrying everything you need with you each day. The opportunity to see new land, encounter more wildlife, and taste the water from different lakes is more than enough motivation to get me moving each morning.