5/4/21 – We’ve gotten word from the Forest Service that the order closing Sawbill Lake, Crescent Lake, and Temperance River campgrounds is lifted. It’s still freezing at night, so the water isn’t turned on and we aren’t maintaining the outhouses yet. That means, if you want to come camp you are welcome to and there are no fees being charged. All the same rules apply, and our store is open so we’ll still be here to greet you. Once the water is on (probably in the next week) we will begin cleaning and the campgrounds will all be open as usual.

Aside from felling hazard trees, we also rake around all the fire grates to remove the buildup of pine needles and other fuel hazards. Then the fire grates get scooped out, removing the ash from last season and making way for many happy campfires this year. Lastly, we some general brushing, stain picnic tables, repair signs…the list goes on! We’re taking full advantage of the beautiful sunny days to get things ship shape for this camping season!