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Perent Lake Trip Report (6/16-6/18)

7/10/24- One of the best parts of being on the Sawbill crew is the access we have to the gorgeous BWCAW. Over the last month various members of the crew have gone on trips into the wilderness. Feliks has already written up a trip report of his solo adventure around the Cherokee loop last month (his trip report can be found here) and is currently on another trip where he’s doing the Lady Chain with a friend. Lauren did the Louse River route out of Kawishiwi (EP 37) and Isabelle did the Cherokee Loop after a lot of late June rain (both of them are writing up their own trip reports so look forward to those). The following report is from my first solo trip June 16th-18th. I entered at Hog Creek (EP 36) and ended up spending two nights on Perent Lake before coming back out. Unfortunately, my phone did not make it on my trip (due to an incident the day prior) so I don’t have any pictures (I know I’m sad about it too).


I put into Hog Creek at around 9:30 a.m. and discovered the entry point was slightly different than what I was used to. All previous trips I’ve been on I’ve gone out of Sawbill (EP 38), Kawishiwi (EP 37) or Brule (EP 41). All of these lakes have an area where you can pull your vehicle right up to the lake and unload your things before parking. At Hog Creek, you get to the creek via short but steep steps that you had to carry your things to. This was very very manageable but definitely different from what I’m used to.

As I started paddling I noticed that the current of the stream, though very slow and tame, was definitely helping me make good time. There was only one small, rocky 15 rod portage that was well established and easy to find. The winding nature of the creek definitely tested my solo steering abilities but I was able to make it to my campsite in time for lunch and before the lake got too busy. I secured the first island site on Perent Lake and absolutely loved the site. It was super spacious (which felt incredibly indulgent by myself) and had a nice array of large rocks to sit on as well as great hammock trees. Before the day was up my site was visited by a duck and its baby and got to watch various Bald Eagles in the trees across from the island. 

6/17/24: I didn’t do anything on my layover day on Perent besides enjoy the sun, when it decided to come out, and read in my hammock. The wilderness, in my experience, can feel intense at times but it also supports a unique kind of peace that makes for a great day off. 

6/18/24: I left my site on Perent at around 8:30 a.m. on my last day to try and beat the incoming weather and get the chance to explore some of the lake. I paddled to the upper part of the lake before turning around and heading back to Hog Creek. Perent is an absolutely gorgeous lake and looked genuinely magical with the pre-storm fog that I was paddling through. Traveling back up Hog Creek definitely took longer than the first day, and had a fun intermission of intense rain, but I made it back to the entry point in one piece and feeling accomplished. When I got back to Sawbill I enjoyed a much needed shower and late lunch before discussing my trip with the whole crew. Solo trips are incredibly empowering and grounding, but one of my favorite parts was undeniably returning to the Sawbill family (dogs included obviously).

When you get back from any trips in the BWCAW please share your experience with us. We love hearing about your time (highs and lows) and getting to discuss this beautiful place with you all. Until next time! -Luna