9/17/24 – The unseasonably beautiful fall days are inspiring all sorts of outdoor adventures this week. We’ve also been busy celebrating the littlest outfitter Sig’s birthday. He’s six years old now and reports that he does, in fact, feel much older and bigger than he did when he was five. Dan and Sig played hooky for a few days and snuck in at Kawishiwi Lake for a quick daddy/son trip to soak up all the warm swimming weather while we still have it. Not one to be left out, Kit quickly roped Dan and Sig into some day trips once they were back home.

The dry fall weather has made the water levels drop after a relatively high water season. This makes hiking the creek beds much easier and is one of the Shirley kids’ favorite pastimes. There are a lot of cool places and fun treasures to be found along the creeks.

We hope you all are enjoying the last of summer wherever you are! Soon enough we’ll be socked in with snow dreaming of the next open water season 🙂