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Light Show

5/11/24 – Last night we were treated, like much of the continental US, to some pretty spectacular 360° northern lights.  Around 9:30pm we started hearing reports of sightings across the country so I decided to take a peek outside.  Low and behold the clouds, that had just hours before dropped rain on us, had parted to reveal blotches of whitish green and light pink/purple across the sky.  These slow moving light apparitions ebbed and flowed for many hours with the most color appearing between 9:30 and 10:30pm and were still working their magic when I went to bed around midnight.

We were able to see some of the pink/purple colors with the naked eye, which is something extremely rare around here (usually they appear as a white-green).  My long exposure enhanced the colors even more in this picture.

Rumor has it that tonight might be another good show, so if you have clear skies it would certainly be worth taking a quick walk outside to see if you can find any unique looking shapes in the sky.  Last night they appeared before it was fully dark out.

View from the canoe landing looking south. The lights were so bright they obscured some of the stars.

The typical form people think of when someone says northern lights, are the shimmering curtains that sometimes appear to the north, but they also develop as slow moving blobs of light, pillars that lengthen and shrink, or a blotchy glow overhead.  Sometimes they pulse like disco lights and other times they quietly drift around like lazy clouds, so if you think you’re seeing light pollution look closely to see if you notice any slow movement or unique shapes and it just might be the northern lights putting on a show for you.  -Jessica

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Food Storage Order – What does it mean?

5/5/24 – If you follow along with BWCA news, chances are you’ve seen some recent hubbub about the new food storage order from the Forest Service. As an outfitter, we received a copy of the official order and had a chance to chat with the Forest Service officials at our annual spring meeting. So, what does the order mean for you, the BWCA camper?

The order states that when inside the BWCA Wilderness, you must have your food and other scented items either:

  • 1. In your line of sight;
  • 2. Hung in a tree (see below for suggested hanging methods); or
  • 3. Stored in a certified bear resistant container.

Here are some FAQ’s that have come up:

  • “Does this apply to portaging? What if I have to double portage?” -Yes, it applies. You cannot leave your food unattended on a portage unless it is in an approved bear resistant container or hung in a tree.
  • “Weren’t these already the rules?” -Kind of. These have always been the recommended guidelines for food storage in the BWCAW. The food storage order makes the recommendations into requirements. The effect of this is that USFS Rangers can write tickets if they see food store improperly now.
  • “What’s the fine?” -Any infraction of BWCA rules and regulations carries a potential fine of up to $5,000 and/or 6 months in jail. In practice, the Rangers will use their discretion when writing tickets. If you are using all good faith efforts to keep your food safe from bears and other critters, you won’t be subject to a huge fine – you likely won’t even receive a ticket. They are focused on education first, enforcement only when necessary.
  • “Why is this necessary?” -The last couple of years have seen major upticks in bear/human encounters. While only about 1% of these encounters have happened in the Sawbill Area, other parts of the Wilderness have been having serious struggles with habituated bears. Bear sows teach their cubs how to swipe blue barrels off of portages and campsites, leading to generations of bears which are becoming more and more entitled to peoples’ food. It has become harder and harder to ward them off, which will ultimately lead to aggressive bears and bears that must be killed. It’s true that a fed bear is a dead bear around here.
  • “What are the approved certified bear resistant containers?” -The Forest Service is using the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee certified products list, link to the PDF found here. In short, the most commonly used containers in the BWCA are the Bear Vaults and Ursacks. Sawbill rents both of these items! Importantly, blue barrels are NOT on the list and need to be hung.
  • “How do I hang my food?” -The Forest Service has provided a handy PDF with diagrams for some suggested and approved hanging methods, here. We have a demonstrated two tree pulley method set up in front of the Sawbill store and are happy to go over it with anyone who asks. We also rent the rope and pulley system for only $1/day, and sell the same set up in our store.
  • “But those bear resistant containers are so small? How do I fit all my food in there??” -If you can, unpackaging your food and fitting it into the Ursack or BearVault is a great way to go. If you simply have too much food and don’t want to pack 6 vaults, we suggest bringing a portage pack for food AND one BearVault or Ursack. You will hang your portage pack with the pulley system, but pull out the food for that day and keep it in the bear resistant container. That way, you can hang your pack in a relatively inconvenient spot, if need be, and you won’t be needing to haul it up and down 15 times a day. The food you need for that day can live on the ground in its bear resistant container. If you keep a clean camp, you shouldn’t have any problems.

Ultimately, these requirements are in the best interest of the bears and other critters. Human visitors to the Wilderness carry the responsibility to leave this place as wild as we found it. Wilderness camping has never been about convenience or human preferences. We are so encouraged by the lack of bear encounters in our corner of the Wilderness – your efforts and diligence to keep the bears safe does not go unnoticed or unappreciated!

If, like me, you are a source document kind of person, here is the order from the USFS:

As always, if you have any questions at all about this, please feel free to give us a call or shoot us an email and we’ll do our best to give you the most accurate and up to date information!


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USFS BWCA Update Comments

4/27/24 – The Forest Service is continuing along the timeline for updating the BWCA management plan. They have a good website where you can follow along with updates and information as this process plays out – you can find that info here.

If you missed the informational meetings, they were recorded. Here is the information from the Forest Service:

Dear interested parties,
A recording of the virtual open house for the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW) Forest Plan Amendment public engagement that was held on April 18, 2024 is now available for viewing and download from our project webpage.
The Superior National Forest is seeking comments on developing the BWCAW Forest Plan Amendment by May 17, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Peter Taylor, Forest Planner at

At this stage, they are seeking general comments about BWCA management. What do you think is working well? What has changed in the last 30 years? Where do you see areas for improvement? Some examples of management issues they may be looking at are towboats, permit quotas, management designations within the Wilderness, etc. Later on, perhaps as soon as winter 2024, there will be an opportunity to comment on a more concrete proposed Forest Plan Amendment.

The BWCA is the most visited Wilderness area in the country. It holds a special place in all of our hearts, and also serves as one of the main economic drivers for the region. While I certainly understand the desire to further restrict the Boundary Waters to only those who already live and breath the Leave No Trace principles, I remind myself and others that these are public lands that belong to us all. I’ve made a career out of teaching and introducing people to the BWCA Wilderness experience. I’ve seen first hand the transformational effect that a canoe trip has on folks. It is no overstatement to say that it changes lives. I also know that the BWCA needs champions. In order to advocate for and protect our favorite corner of the world, we need to bring more people into the club. It is this ethos that I will bear in mind as I give input for future management of the BWCA. We need an updated quota system that reflects current travel patterns. We desperately need a more robust education protocol. I’m encouraged by the care with which the current Forest Service leadership team is listening and I know that Sawbillians near and far have valuable and thoughtful insight – I encourage you to submit comments before May 17th.


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Unbox, Price, Fold, Stock, Repeat

4/24/24 – If one picture could sum up early season at Sawbill it would be the following…

Boxes of sweatshirts waiting to be processed.

Also of note; the canoe landing dock has been returned to it’s open water home.

(Choir sings, clouds open, beam of light shines down from above)

Wind has been the norm lately, but this mornings view from the landing was nice and calm, although chilly with a low that dipped down to 18°F. -Jessica

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Ice Out!

4/17/24 – It’s official, the ice is out on Sawbill Lake! Some persistent ice remains in front of the canoe landing, but from our vantage point more than 90% of the lake is now open water.  Lakes and ponds along the Grade are open as well, including Baker and Crescent. Brule is usually one of the last in the area to go out, so my guess is it will need a few more days before it’s ice free.  Also of note; many of the gravel roads are still quite soft, so proceed with caution as major rutting has been seen on access roads such as the Kawishiwi Lake Road, Baker Lake Road, and Brule Lake Road.

View from the landing around 5:30pm.

We aren’t open quite yet, but are happy to rent canoes by appointment if you’re itching to get out on the water (just give us a call to set something up). This time of year conditions can turn miserable and dangerous quickly, so it’s worth checking the forecast before making the trek up. Here’s a link to the National Weather Services 7-day forecast for Sawbill Lake, which we’ve found to be the most reliable for our area. -Jessica

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Evening Ice Update

4/16/24 – Todays howling wind has pushed the remaining ice to our side of the lake and open water is increasing by the hour. With rain in the forecast tonight, my bet is we’ll be able to call “ice out” in the morning. Only time will tell…stay tuned! -Jessica

Mostly open water on the other side of Mouse Island as of 6pm.
Some of the very dark floating ice seems to be slush.
Another view point. Can you spot the lost fishing lure?

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Status Update

4/15/24 – The majority of the lake is still covered in ice, but it doesn’t look long for this world with new pockets of open water starting to reveal themselves away from the shoreline. -Jessica

Obligatory landing photo.
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Singin’ in the Rain

4/13/24 – Yesterdays wind and this evenings rain continues to do a number on the ice. Dan braved the lake this afternoon, with support crew at the ready, and measured 9 inches of ice. Also of note; rumor has it Kawishiwi Lake is ice free as far as can be seen from the landing.


Sound up for rain drops and happy robins.
Picture taken just before sunset this evening.
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Ice Update from the Landing

4/12/24 – This morning I headed down to lake with auger and measuring stick in hand. Upon reaching the landing I noticed a human sized hole in the ice not far from shore…I stayed put on dry ground.

The ice hasn’t broken away from shore yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens sometime next week.

For more condition updates head over to our Instagram page. -Jessica