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12/21/05 – Yesterday, I came across two bull moose about two miles south of Sawbill when I was driving back from town. They were good sized bulls with big racks, but one had lost one antler already. It looks terribly uncomfortable to have only one heavy antler hanging on the side of one’s head. It must make for a stiff neck for a few days.
Someone camped on the parking lot last night in a large canvas tent with a wood stove. Before I could investigate this morning, or even snap a picture, they had packed up and left.
On Carl’s second trip home from school as a newly licensed driver, he went in the ditch and had to call home for dad, a pickup truck, and a chain. His sister Clare went in the ditch on her very first trip to school, so Carl figures he is twice as good a driver as Clare. Actually, Carl got sucked in by a sub-par snow plowing job as he was pulling over and slowing down in response to something he saw on the road ahead. He didn’t get a good look, but based on the tracks, it looks like it was a large pack of wolves. Not the kind of hazards that new drivers normally face. – Bill