1/9/07 – Every year we get several calls at this time of year from people who are worried about reserving permits for the upcoming season. The Forest Service sometimes gives the impression that the permits will all be gone soon. Actually, the vast majority of the permits are still available and there is no reason to panic. Reserving a permit allows you to enter the BWCA Wilderness on a given day at a certain entry point. The number of people, exit date, exit point, etc., can all be flexible. As soon as you know you entry date and entry point, go ahead and reserve a permit. You can reserve a permit online, or call toll free (after February 1st) at 1-877-550-6777. As always, if you have any questions, or want us to reserve your permit for you, drop us an email info@sawbill.com, or give us a call.
Here are a couple of more pictures from our New Year’s celebration, courtesy of Molly Breslin.
Clare, Nathan, and Adam plummet toward certain death on a plastic toboggan.
Davey inspects the hole that was cut in the ice for some very chilly swimming. Apparently, several people swam, but aren’t willing to share pictures! Brrr…. I can almost see Davey thinking, “No way in hell….”