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“It may come on some quiet day

11/28/07 – “It may come on some quiet day in November with a hush so deep and so profound it seems to press on everything. All living creatures feel it. They watch the skies and wait. Suddenly the air is white with drifting flakes and tension drains as the ground is speckled with white. The first crystals rustle as they settle onto leaves and into crevices, and then almost magically the earth is white and winter has come.” – Sigurd Olson
Sawbill has been blanketed in 7″ of light, powdery snow over the past two days. My skis are anxious to get waxed-up, even though it’s disappointing to hang up the ice skates for another year.
Chickadees struggle to keep warm. Cindy keeps ’em well fed, though.