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We are emerging from an epic cold snap.

1/16/09 – We are emerging from an epic cold snap. We hadn’t seen any territory above zero degrees for the last four days. The warm weather arrived today with a balmy high near five degrees.
Our first crew member for the 2009 season has arrived. Katie “KT” Nulicek graduated from college just before Christmas and agreed to come help us haul wood, shovel snow, price t-shirts, etc. while she waits for the other crew members to arrive in the spring and early summer. She was a crew member during the 2007 season, but had to skip last year to attend summer school.
KT is an artist, so she is not only painting nearly every day, but is enjoying the inspiration of our incredible winter scenery here at Sawbill. – Bill
KT Nulicek – happy to be on Sawbill Lake in sub-zero weather.
I don’t know how a picture can convey extremely cold temperatures, but this one does.