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On the way home from town tonight I was held up by a sleek, healthy looking cow moose

4/12/10 – On the way home from town tonight I was held up by a sleek, healthy looking cow moose that wouldn’t get out of the road. As I waited for her to get out of the way, it became obvious that she was deeply concerned about something on the north side of the road as I waited on the south. She would occasionally glance at me, but she was staring intently the other way with her hackles up. Every so often she would startle and take a few running steps in my direction until she was just a few feet from my front bumper.
I couldn’t see anything in the darkness beyond my headlights, but I imagined that it must be a pack of wolves, or a cougar, or a sasquatch that could cause terror in the heart of a 1400 pound moose. When she finally got spooked off the road I pulled cautiously ahead, hoping catch a glimpse of the fierce predator – and there it was – a snowshoe hare. – Bill