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Sorting sleeping bags

7/23/10 – This season Sawbill acquired some brand new sleeping bags for use in the outfitting department. As a result of this purchase some sorting needed to be done in order to weed out some of the not so new ones. This seemed like a daunting task when considering that we possess over 150 bags.
Luckily Sarah, Meg, and Ellyn were up for the job. The first order of business was to unpack all of the sleeping bags and lay them out in piles according to style. Secondly, they sorted out the ones to sell in the fall. They then had to stuff the bags back into their appropriate stuff sacks. Finally and most importantly, they had to make a giant sleeping bag fort out of it all. – Jessica
Meg, Ellyn, Sarah, and Leif taking a break on the piles and piles of sleeping bags.
Meg stuffing the sleeping bags into their stuff sacks.
Homer testing out the fort.