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11/1/2010 – Bird migrations are in full swing as the season

11/1/2010 – Bird migrations are in full swing as the season turns from fall to winter. Evening grosbeaks, pine grosbeaks, purple finches, snow buntings, and several other species have appeared recently.
A barred owl had taken to hanging around our house and has startled both of us by perching just outside the house and staring into the windows. Last night, the owl was staring at Cindy and as she moved, the owl’s head would move so he(she?) could keep eye contact with Cindy. A little later, Cindy was outside and spotted the owl in a nearby tree. She gave her best imitation of the barred owl’s call – “Who cooks for you?” The owl’s head would swivel around every time she did it.
I’ve been told that when owls exhibit strange behavior, it usually means that they are starving, but I haven’t noticed any shortage of owl prey around here. Rabbits and squirrels are everywhere and the mice seem to be waging an organized campaign to get into the house.
We’ve moved the camera over to the house now, so hopefully we’ll have a good barred owl picture posted here soon. – Bill