7/22/18 – Greetings to all near and far, the much anticipated annual Dome Dance is swiftly approaching, and we are all putting our snazziest Chacos on!
The other night, chattering over a campfire, the flames illuminating our excited faces, dressed up in pioneer attire (don’t worry, I will explain later), I heard experiences of Dome Dances of Sawbill Past. How the Crew member reunion years are a wild romp, when the outfitter turns into a soiree. As a new member to the Sawbill family, I ate this up.
Always a sucker for a good party (especially one where you can bust some moves…), I reminisced on community Contra dances that I have attended before. Everyone is smiling, spinning around and round to the fast paced tune of the fiddle. When the song ends cheeks are rosy, breath is short, but smiles are stretched across the dancer’s faces. What a sweet and electric way to be engaged with folks around you, swinging your partner on the floor, making eye contact with someone and both giggling over how much fun you’re having breaking a sweat while cutting a rug! Wouldn’t you love to hear that good ole’ banjo pluckin’, feel it sweep you away into a night of toe tappin’?
WELL THEN, if so! Please join us on Saturday July 28th at 7 pm for the party, located in the geodesic dome alongside the canoe-yard. Campers, paddlers, meanderers alike, one and all. What a wonderful way to meet your fellow wilderness adventurers by gathering together in a giant, empty building (slightly resembling a beaver lodge), for a night of lively music and community dance.
We hope to see you there!
P.S. Oh, right, I nearly forgot! The current crew had a lovely Themed dinner this weekend. Inspired by the Oregon Trail (the classic computer game from the 1990’s, of course). We donned our best bonnets, despite a few of us having been stricken with measles, and nestled around a campfire. We enjoyed forged mushrooms and wild rice, brats and delicious cake. Spirits were high, the dinner luxurious, despite the fear of dysentery and snake bite. It’s always good to have a little fun!

Hope all of you out there are enjoying your summer months, having themed dinners of your own, surrounded by good food, good company and some good pioneer fiddle tunes.
– Anna