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Weather and Rain Update

5/24/24 – We’ve had a bunch of rain the past week and across the month with over 3 inches of rain this week alone. Even though it wasn’t the most snowy winter, the rain is definitely making up for it when it comes to water levels and fire danger. Water levels are nice and high which is making some places (including the Sawbill landing) look a little different. Fire danger is relatively low as well thanks to the rain. Also, all of the trees and plants are loving it and it is starting to get nice and green as the days go on. The rain is also not done yet with more to come this weekend in the forecast. If you’re planning on visiting, or just curious, check out our weather here! – Anna

Sawbill Landing on 5/23 – even though it may not look like it, the dock is still connected!
Sawbill Creek is nice and high and flowing quickly