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Sawbill Dogs Working Hard

6/1/24 – Huckleberry and Chile are hard at work and patiently waiting in the store to greet all of the campers who swing by. As of last week we have officially shifted into our summer store hours so we are here from 7am-9pm every day whether you are looking to pick up a canoe rental or permit, grab a fishing license, shop around the store, or just say hi to Huckleberry and Chile! Also, keep an eye out for our campground host, Suz’s dog Atticus who can be found in the campground, the store, or living luxuriously driving around in the golf cart keeping the campground in check. -Anna

10 month old and new addition to the Sawbill family, Chile, getting trained into all of the office work!
Huckleberry daydreaming about getting all of the pets from customers in the store!
Atticus riding in style in the golf cart!