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Something to brighten your day…

8/15/19 – If you’re having trouble pushing through to the weekend, hopefully this will help a bit. This is an appreciation post for the sweet boy that is Huckleberry. If you don’t know him, he’s the springer spaniel that belongs to Sawbill owners Clare and Dan Shirley. Looking closely, you can see that his name tag gives away his occupation: the official Director of Public Outreach. Unofficially, he is the store greeter, bodyguard, therapy dog, Olympic swimmer, professional snuggler, and Sawbill mascot. On behalf of the entire crew, we’re all happy we get to spend time with him while we’re here. Friendly reminder that he does have severe food allergies so please don’t give him any of your treats or snacks. He also loves to swim with folks on the dock, but practice caution if you have a fishing line in. The poor guy doesn’t understand the concept that bobbers are attached to hooks. Besides that, feel free to give him lots of love if you see him around the campground! Cheers to Huckleberry (aka buns, hucklebuns, bunners, huck) for being the best boy!


Huck takes his greeting job VERY seriously.
The happiest guy there is.
Taken in early May, anxiously awaiting for the ice to melt so he can swim.
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Berry Update

8/9/19 – Though things are still hectic around here, a few crew members have found time to escape for some berry picking. Perfect timing too! Peak strawberry season has passed, but we’re expecting the raspberries to start ripening very soon. The blueberries are the real star of the show right now. Clare and Kit did some picking earlier this week and report that the blueberries are about 60% blue with 40% green still. Definitely time to start heading to your favorite patches! It appears the weather will provide a near perfect few days, with mostly clear skies and mid 70s expected through Sunday. Whether it be berry picking, hiking, or canoeing, we hope you get the chance to be outside this weekend. Happy Friday!


Kit picking out only the best berries to share!
Some of the haul collected from earlier in the week.
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Dome Dance!

8/3/19 – Thanks to everyone that showed up for this years’ annual Dome Dance! It was a great time. Terrence Smith showed everyone the ropes of square dancing accompanied by some fantastic lively music. What a great way to break in the new square dome! Though the new building is definitely not circular, it’ll always be a dome to us. Being peak busy season, everyone could use a little dancing release. If you’re sad you missed it, there’s always next year!


Everyone practicing their square dancing skills!
Live music accompanied the square dancing lessons.
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2019 Crew Photo

7/27/19 – Drum roll, please… Introducing for the very first time, the entire 2019 Sawbill crew! This is probably the only time where you’ll see all of us in the same spot the entire summer. After locating everyone for a quick photo, the group dissipated within two minutes to head right back to work. We are in the busy season, after all! Thanks to crew member Matthew for the photography skills and capturing Kit’s finest smile with his camera. All we need now is to Photoshop Huckleberry in the middle; we think he was too busy visiting the campground to join us.


The 2019 Sawbill Canoe Outfitters crew.
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Lady Chain Conquerors

7/26/19 – This past Saturday, two of our crew members took the day off and decided to conquer one of our 3-4 day routes in just one day! Mike and Nathan took the challenge of paddling the Lady Chain and were successful in completing it in about 9 hours and 20 minutes in our Wenonah Minnesota II canoe. They were able to do it in such a short amount of time by single portaging and bringing just a couple of day packs. Even with plans to complete it in a day, they still carried emergency equipment in case they had to stay overnight on a lake. The weather could not have been better for them, with slight winds and clouds turning into sunshine and tailwinds by the early afternoon. Mike got the chance to say hello to a group he sent out on Thursday as he passed them! Everyone enjoys their trips at different paces and this particular one was seen as more of a challenge than a vacation to Nathan and Mike. Though we wouldn’t recommend this speed to customers, those who decide to do something similar should be an experienced BWCA paddler and take the proper gear just in case.

The Lady Chain is one of Sawbill’s less frequented routes, being a point to point chain starting in Kawishiwi Lake. Most customers decide to start there and paddle through Lake Polly, Phoebe, Grace, Beth and Alton before arriving to Sawbill. This is a great straightforward route that can be fun for families or paddlers of all skill levels. With appropriate time allotted, there’s plenty of opportunity for exploring surrounding lakes and rivers along the route. There’s many campsites along the chain, so it tends to never be full or overcrowded. Fishers in particular enjoy this route. Polly, Phoebe and Grace lake are great for walleye, while Beth and Alton are filled with small mouth bass and sunfish. If you’d like to know more about this route, feel free to give us a call or ask a crew member for more information and suggestions. We’re more than happy to help!


Nathan along the Phoebe river.
Mike and Nathan navigating through Hazel Lake.
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Fishing Picks Up

7/24/19 – After a cold, late spring and slow start to the fishing season, things are picking up! Sawbill crewmember, Brian Henry, tried his luck yesterday mid-late afternoon on an undisclosed area lake that rhymes with “poke”. He came home triumphant with this lovely stringer of walleye and one sizable small-mouth.


It’s a tough job, but Brian seems more than happy to do it.
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BWCA Dedication

7/22/19 – People find the most clever ways to represent their love for the Boundary waters. This week, we had a customer with the same idea as our campground hosts- a dedication to the BWCA on their license plates! It’s a great show of love, and tells us that people come from all over the visit this remote part of Northern Minnesota. We have customers from all over the country, as the licenses from Nebraska and Texas show below. Heck, we have people from all over the world visiting the Boundary Waters! This year alone, people have visited Sawbill from Russia, Mexico, Guatemala, Denmark, Norway, and Germany. It’s amazing that this region can hold something special in so many people’s hearts. Whether you come from 30 miles away or 3,000, we love to hear your stories of how you found BWCA or Sawbill!


Sister trucks!
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Snapper Sighting

7/16/19 – Check out this lovely snapper seen by Jim (our campground host) a couple days back! She’s been up and around the landing, presumably looking for a good spot to lay her eggs. If you see her, please be respectful and careful! I mean, they are called snapping turtles for a reason. We’ll be keeping an eye out in a couple months for her eggs to hatch, along with the rest of the painted turtles that have been laying in the area! In the meantime, we’ll admire these beautiful creatures from afar.


Look at the tail on that lady!
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Canoe Reservations

7/12/19 – Summer season is in full swing here at Sawbill! The past few weeks have been getting busier and busier as we head into the peak of the season. Because of this, if you’re going on a trip and want a specific kind of canoe, we highly recommend making a reservation before you head up. We still gladly accept walk-ins, but it’s best to reserve if you have a particular model you’d like for your group.

The canoe yard shines during golden hour. Featuring: 3 person Wenonah Senecas.

In other news, the past few days of rain have cleared up and it’s turned out to be a beautiful day. Tomorrow looks to be the same! Looks like there may be some rain early next week, so plan accordingly for your BWCA trips and stay safe during any thunderstorms. Tomorrow night should be perfect weather for a campfire and a wildlife chat with the USFS thanks to the naturalist program! It starts at 7:30 and we hope to see you there with a s’more in your hand. Cheers!


Cloud coverage caught during before the rain a few days back.
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Happy 4th

Hello again and Happy 4th of July from the Sawbill Crew! The weather is a little rainy today but the temperatures are up as well as our spirits. The store and outfitting are really starting to heat up as we get closer to late July and August. We love seeing plenty of new faces as well as returning customers. Furthest distance traveled so far goes out to our group all the way from the Czech Republic.

Tonight the Sawbill Crew will be celebrating with our annual Dragon Boat races, as well as grilling up a classic American dinner of burgers, brats, fresh watermelon and roasted corn on the cob. Although, fireworks are not allowed in the BWCA we will celebrate with sparklers and a campfire.

Remember to stay safe and have fun with family and friends this holiday.


2nd year Crew Member Nathan showing off the 2016 Dragon Boat trophy